Денис про Braenar College
1. Чому ви вирішили обрати Канаду для навчання?
I decided to choose Canada for studying because it is promising country, which provides opportunities to international students like me. Moreover, education in Canada is highly valued in other countries.
2. Як відрізняється система освіти в Канаді від тієї, що існує у вашій країні?
There is a big difference between systems of education in my country and in Canada. In Ukraine, for example, I had 7 lessons in 1 day with the duration of 45 minutes. Here, in Canada, I have two courses per day with the duration of 2.5 hours each. Also, the laptop in my home school were not allowed. In Canada, laptops are needed to complete work during the lessons. However, not all lessons require laptops. Math, for example.
3. Чи складно було вам адаптуватися до навчального процесу в Канаді?
No, it was not. The community in Braemar College is very friendly and welcoming. It makes you comfortable there and you rapidly used to educational system there.
4. Які предмети або програми вам найбільше подобаються, і чому?
Most of all I like Math, Drama, and English. I always loved math, and the math-course here is not an exception. Drama is the new course for me, so it was exciting and fun. It helped me to improve my communicational skills, drama skills, and ability to act on the spot. This course is very useful.
English helped me to improve my English skills because students read, talk, and write a lot there.
There are interesting stories and novels, so you will not be bored.
5. Що ви можете сказати про канадських вчителів?
The teachers in Braemar College compromise with students and help them to achieve greater results. Also, they make growing success meeting, where the teachers explain to students their strengths and weaknesses about some topics, so students know where to improve.
Культурна адаптація:
6. Як ви почувалися, коли щойно приїхали до Канади? Чи були у вас культурні труднощі?
When I arrived in Canada for the first time, I felt comfortable. I had no cultural difficulties.
Everyone is friendly and everyone respects each other.
7. Чи знайшли ви нових друзів у школі? Як канадські учні сприймають іноземних студентів?
I met a lot of new friends in Braemar College because, as I said before, everyone is very friendly.
Students perceive other students well.
8. Що вас найбільше здивувало в канадській культурі?
Most of all I was surprised by Canadian History.
9. Чи брали ви участь у позакласних заходах або гуртках? Як це допомогло вам адаптуватися?
There are a lot of out-of-school activities such as cooking club, chess club, sports night. I have been to all of them. It was very funny and it really helped to adapt in a new company.
10. Чи були якісь традиції або звички, які здалися вам незвичними або дивними?
No, there are not. I have not noticed anything unusual or special.
Життя за кордоном
11. Як ви справляєтеся з життям далеко від сім'ї?
Even though I am missing my family, I like living on my own because it makes me responsible, selfreliant,
which is very important. Video calls and personal meetings on holidays make the life far away from family easier.
12. Що найскладніше в житті іноземного студента в Канаді?
The most difficult thing for an international student is homesickness.
14. Які поради ви могли б дати іншим іноземним студентам, які розглядають можливість
навчання в Канаді?
For international students who are planning to study in Canada, I would recommend to make sure that they can handle living on their own.
Про майбутнє
15. Як ваш досвід навчання в Канаді вплинув на ваші майбутні плани чи кар'єрні амбіції?
My experience of studying in Canada affected my future plans a lot. Before I came to Canada, I had planned to study in Europe. However, now I am planning to stay here and build my future here.
16. Чи плануєте ви продовжити навчання в університеті в Канаді? Якщо так, то чому?
Yes, I do. I like the way of studying in Canada. Moreover, Canadian education is highly valued in other countries.
17. Як ви вважаєте, чим канадська освіта допоможе вам у майбутньому?
As I said, Canadian education is highly valued in other countries, so it will help me a lot if I decide to work in Europe, for example.
Особистий досвід
18. Що вам найбільше подобається в житті в Канаді?
I like the most that I am not dependent on anyone, I can become more responsible and self-reliant.
19. Який момент або подія під час навчання в Канаді запам'ятається вам назавжди?
Such a moment has not come yet, but I think it will be the moment of graduation from the college.
20. Як змінилася ваша особистість чи світогляд після того, як ви почали навчатися в Канаді?
After I started to study in Canada, I understood that I am able to do a lot of things without parents.
Also, I understood that communication and connections with different people are very important and it will help me in future.